Sunday, August 10, 2008

The ghost boy!

This is an older piece I did back in the beginning of my figure studies. I like it just cause of the contrast. I feel like I need to keep posting even if I don't have time to create any new stuff.


Vonnie said...

I love looking at your art James. I think you have incredible talent. Keep up the posting & when you have a minute keep drawing.

Vonnie said...

Hey James, i can't get on Teancum's sight. I think I have the wrong address. Can you shoot me an invite? I want to keep up with that cute boy.

TRIANA said...

thanks for the visit!!!

muy amable pro visitar y opinar en mi blog de caricaturas!!!

I like your tchniques pictorical!!!


Aaron said...

Hey James, thanks for the comment man. This is a great piece, kind of creepy!!